Sunday, September 13, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - "Your Golden Rolodex" - Week 3

Networking can be seen by some as “using” people but Vickie Austin in "Your
Golden Rolodex: How to Network for Results!" contends that everyone prefers
to do business with those that they know. The content of the book is a step-by
-step process of how to network. Last week we started the Networking Toolbox
with your Mission Statement and the Golden Rolodex. Let’s add a few more tools…

3. Your message: the 30 Second Commercial or Your Elevator Speech
It is important not to get “stuck” on your history. The objective is to hear what
others have to say and how they might be able to help YOU. A formula that has
worked for many of her clients:

Past + Present + desired Future (MISSION)
+ Request
(Time, Ideas, Opinions & Recommendations)
= Success

Keep the past factual, short and sweet. The present should also be brief with
the two sentences joined by the word “and”. The 30 Second Commercial is an
integral part of the campaign that needs to be practiced and refined.

4. The Request …. Remember that the most powerful request is to ask for
someone’s time. You are asking people to help you identify strategies to help
you accomplish your mission…making money is not the objective of your
MISSION statement. Make an appointment and keep it as a formal business
meeting. The ideas, recommendations, and opinions of the individual are your
goals. We know that everyone likes to be asked their opinion. By seeking their
help, we are including in them the process.

5. Time – Campaigns don’t happen by themselves….they require time and
attention. You need to incorporate the activities into your calendar.

6. Commitment – Networking is a way of life, not a onetime event. The Golden
Rolodex must be fed with regularity!

Until next week....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - "Your Golden Rolodex" Week 2

Last week, we discussed the need to network but yet it is certainly not everyone’s favorite activity. Vickie Austin, in The Golden Rolodex: How to Network for Results!, promotes the importance— the gold—that resides in your existing database without seeking new people as contacts.

Ms. Austin has created a Networking Toolbox to help you launch a communication campaign.

Your mission—create a mission statement, define your purpose and wanting to make a difference. A mission statement is very different from your business objectives. Missions statements usually contain verbs like “to help, contribute or create”. It is never about the money. Your mission is about service to others.

2) Your Golden Rolodex—the key is to identify everyone, set up a system where you can tap into that reserve of contacts. Her criteria for someone in the Golden Rolodex is most interesting.
a) First of all they must know your name. If you called or left word for, they would recognize your name or the name of the person who referred you to them
b. The most important is that they must be BREATHING!

Communities need to be established. Communities are a collection of people who share or have shared a particular time, place or experience. Possible communities are: work colleagues—past & present; alumni & associations; neighbors, professional/industry associations; sororities; individuals with the same hobbies; friends; family; parents of kids’ friends; house of faith, and one of the most important—personal/professional service providers like hairdressers, barber, attorney, etc.

Now that you have established the communities, integrate the information into ONE place. This might be Outlook, cell phone, PDA, Blackberry, Palm or online programs like Top Producer or ACT! It does not matter what you have as long as you keep it current. The entering of data is an ongoing job for you or your (virtual) assistant.

Until next week with the third installment..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - Speaking & Presentation Skills - Leadership Skills Training

Thank you to Sharon Eddings, 2009 Texas State Secretary, for sharing the power point presentation from the Leadership Skills Training held in conjunction with the Marketing to Women Summit in Chicago this year.

The presentation shows you how to employ tips and techniques when in the spotlight, especially as a spokesperson; use protocol at meetings and events correctly and confidently; and find local resources to practice public speaking. Click here to view...