Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We are back in full force. We were a bit behind and with our offices moving we had to put Techy Talk on hold. Well no more waiting. We have new videos and a mobile tricks and devices series to come next week.. so stay tuned.Enjoy this video about marketleap.com... if you have a website you need to know how your website is ranking and what is the popularity rate of your website...Watch the video on how to do it!

Techy Talk Tuesdays - Intro to Market Leap from rosannahudson on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - Mid Year Meeting - "Annual Report - A Guide to Excellent Chapters" with Mary Ann Jeffers, Region 9 Vice President

The third lab session at the Mid Year Meeting facilitated by a Texan was to have been Carol Reynolds but due to the health problems of her father, Mary Ann Jeffers graciously stepped in and handled the session. The “Annual Report – A Guide to Excellent Chapters” session was well attended and the participants left with a better understanding of what is needed to earn a Gold Level Award. An Involved Chapter ... is a successful chapter!

Statistics for 2008:

286 Active Chapters
261 or 91% submitted Annual Report by deadline
178 Receiving Gold or Silver Awards
38% functioning below Silver Level

Changes for 2009:

11 New – 1 point for each WCR local chapter elected officer who is a director of their local association.
Provide docs from web site or association
14 Submit 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year Recipient
Award’s name changed – open to everyone
23a Points awarded equally for each officer attending national meetings.
No requirement that LCP/PE must attend to receive points for other officers!

The power point presentation Click here could be used for local chapter officer orientation to help explain how the Annual Report keeps the chapter on track by giving a detailed account of exactly what should be done to have an effective organization. The Annual/Business Plan is invaluable as a blueprint on which to build the current year while looking ahead to what might be needed.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - Mid Year Meeting - "Real Estate, the Next Generation" with Matthew Ferrara

Bright and early Saturday morning, our first session was with Matthew Ferrara, President and CEO of Matthew Ferrara & Company. Matthew and Amy Chorew, National trainer for his company, are favorites with Women’s Council members. The company was responsible for building the WCR National website several years ago.

The session dealt with “Real Estate, the Next Generation". The program is designed to help the realtor compete in a consumer-centric, tech-savvy and quality-centric world. What does the consumer want and how do they want it? We probably all realize that the future consumer isn’t anything like the past consumer. The session combines new sales techniques, modern relationship management and technology to create a different approach to real estate.

"Real Estate, the Next Generation" looks at:

§ Market research about buyers and sellers that challenges old perceptions about who they are, what they want and how they want it delivered (Hint: Your old approach isn’t going to last much longer!)

§ Presents the audience with facts - not cliches - about how the real estate consumer really works - and it’s not the way today’s REALTOR still does!

§ Elimination of excuses that let current brokers continue outdated practices

§ Exposure of “Death by Cliche” that pervades the industry and holds back true performance

§ How to Start an “industrial revolution” at your company, that maximizes teamwork, process improvement and high production environments

§ Implement and adopt existing technologies - most of which brokers already have - to improve training, marketing, online presence and profits

Provided by VaLois Hounsel

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session - Mid Year Meeting - E-Myth

During the research for the “Chapter Programming that Works”, I found reference several times to the E-Myth. Several local chapters presented programs based on the principles found in the books by Michael Gerber, the world's number one small business guru.

The E-Myth point of view is the perspective that your business should work for you, rather than you working for it. The "E" stands for entrepreneurial and the myth is that most owners are not entrepreneurs but someone who just works in a business where the owner has himself for a boss instead of somebody else.

Gerber's E-Myth Revisited offers salient points with the most important being, "Work ON your business not IN it." We are introduced to three working personalities: 1) the entrepreneur who always has ideas, 2) the manager who keeps everything organized, and 3) the technician who knows that "If it's going to get done right, I'd better do it myself."

He tells the story of Sarah, who went from making pies for fun to managing a store that delivered pies as a business. She soon became enslaved to her business, dreading the love she once had. But more so, unable to grow the business to achieve her goals.

Through the eyes of a business owner/client, Gerber unfolds the story that allows us to see the importance of each personality preference and the necessity for balance between them. We also see the different stages of business growth and come to appreciate the benefits of implementing systems at the beginning of developing a business.

The franchise system allows all personalities to excel, and when they excel the customer is better served and better satisfied. The system works. So managers and technicians can have a business that will be successful and they will be fulfilled working on. But it does not stop there. He also teaches that entrepreneurs must create their small businesses according to a "franchise prototype," basically set-up systems and operations so the business can work most effectively.

Until next week…

Provided by VaLois Hounsel

Monday, June 8, 2009

Intro to Ping.fm - Want to get your social/blogging in one swoop! We found out how you can do that with this new program!

Intro to Ping.fm - Want to get your social/blogging in one swoop! We found out how you can do that with this new program!

Techy Talk Tuesdays - Intro to Ping.fm from rosannahudson on Vimeo.

Savvy Saturday Session – Mid Year Meeting - “Chapter Programming that Works” with VaLois Hounsel

As a former teacher, it is safe to say that I am passionate about education. I felt honored and thrilled to be selected as a facilitator for the lab session titled “Chapter Programming that Works”. The goal was to learn from the past using technology to better plan for the future. To achieve the goal, I used an online survey – surveymonkey.com - to chart the program preferences of our members and outline sources to search for the best programs/best practices.

Many thanks to the Texas state members who helped by completing the survey. The results of the survey along with the programs that work can be found in the power point presentation. Click here to view the presentation.

The last fifteen minutes of the session was devoted to the winners of the new award for best programming by Wells Fargo. We are Texas proud that the Houston 1960 Chapter won for the Mega Chapters from across the entire nation! Representatives from three of the four winning chapters spoke for a few minutes concerning their efforts to add member value through programming.

Provided by VaLois Hounsel

Monday, June 1, 2009

Savvy Saturday Session – Mid Year Meeting – Women and Money with Deborah Spangler, 2009 President-elect

I was very proud to be one of three Texans teaching learning labs at midyear in DC... representing over 30%of the lab instructors.. All the classes were great and I was wishing I could have been in all of them. My class, Women and Money, What women need to know about their finances, was well attended and I had a great interactive audience. This is a timely subject and I wanted to share with you a few things I found out from my audience. Click here for Power Point Presentation
1. Only 4 of about 100 attendees knew their net worth.. do you?
2. Only 2 of the attendees had budgeted for the DC trip..
3. Only 1 knew what their current credit card interest rate was.
My desire is that we as women do not allow ourselves to be caught unaware or unprepared for the future. I hope you will look over the powerpoint (lots of interesting facts) and share what you learn with others. Many thanks to all the Texas WCR members that came out for support.

Provided by Deborah Spangler